
A seminar course for the brave, the determined and the curious!

Dates 2023:
10. May, 24. May, and 14. June
Location: Rennweg 79-81, AT-1030 Vienna
Investment: per module and person €180.-
all three modules €500.-


Everyday relaxation

Getting to know relaxation techniques and how to easily integrate them into everyday life.

Dates 2023:
23. May
Location: Rennweg 79-81, AT-1030 Wien

28. June
18:00-20:00 Uhr
Online – ZOOM

Investment: € 30,-

Autogenic training

Autogenic training is a classic method for deep relaxation. In this 9-week course you will learn how to relax using the first elements of the Autogenic Training. In addition, you will learn how to define and use your individual formula well in order to achieve a change or target state more easily.

Dates 2023:
Tuesdays 18:00-20:00
03., 10., 17., 24. October
02., 07., 14., 21., 28. November

Location: Rennweg 79-81, AT-1030 Wien
Investment: €200.-


Open Door Day – Constellation work

Systemic Constellations – come as a representative:in or with a concern.

Dates 2023:
21. June and 26. September
Location: Rennweg 79-81, AT-1030 Vienna
Representative €15.-
Raise a request €220.-


Ritual work

In this short “getting to know you” workshop you will get the first insights into the world of rituals. You will learn more about the meaning and effect of some rituals and how you can use some of them in your everyday life.

Dates 2023:
04. June, and 30. September

Location: Rennweg 79-81, AT-1030 Vienna
Investment: per appointment €50.-
